The Basics of Pest Extermination

If you have a serious pest infestation problem, such as severe termite or cockroach infestations, it may be time to call in the exterminators. While pest control companies and exterminators both work to help you enjoy a more livable home environment, they use different treatment methods to achieve this goal. Exterminators use harsh chemicals to clear out your house quickly, while pest control services focus on preventive tactics and using non-harmful treatments.

In the past, when most people thought of a pest exterminator, they envisioned someone with a big sprayer hose blasting chemicals in every room in your house, bombing your living space. This is an extreme method used to kill off pests in emergency situations, and it can be dangerous to children and pets. During this process, your home would be sealed off and you’d have to leave while the exterminator does their job. While this type of extermination is still done in some cases, most pest exterminators are more concerned with the hows and whys than just killing off the current population of unwanted insects.

Pest exterminators are trained to look for the root cause of your pest infestation and determine the best way to eliminate them. They will review your entire property and inspect it for entry points, hiding spots, moisture build-up, and any other signs of pests. They will also be able to recommend any home repair services that may be necessary to make your home less welcoming to pests.

The next step in the London pest extermination process is identifying the pests themselves and determining if they are a threat to your property. This information is important because it helps determine which pest management techniques are most appropriate. Some of the most common pest control methods include sanitation, removing weeds and infested plant materials, timing of irrigation watering to avoid attracting insects, growing competitive plants to discourage pests, and barriers and traps.

After assessing the problem, the pest exterminator will set up baits and traps to capture the pests. These can be placed both inside and outside your home, depending on the situation. Once the pests are captured, they can be removed from your home to prevent them from breeding and infesting other areas of your property.

Once the pests have been cleared from your property, the exterminator will follow up with preventive treatments and advice. This includes making sure all windows and doors are properly sealed, ensuring that any wood piles are not near your home, minimizing clutter around the exterior of your property, and trimming back any vegetation that could give pests access to the roofline or foundation of your house.

Pests are attracted to food, water, and shelter, so reducing the availability of these items will help prevent them from invading your home. To do this, keep garbage and trash cans tightly closed, store foods in sealed containers, remove rotting wood piles from your property, and clean up crumbs and spills as soon as they occur. You can also consider installing a compost bin, cleaning up fallen fruit and leaves, and choosing plants that naturally repel pests.